- 26 mins
Infection control In the care sector
Download your free exclusive report today
We asked 2000 members of the public how their expectations around hygiene and infection control have evolved since last year. This Insight Report shares the findings, and sheds light on the importance of cleanliness when it comes to attracting customers back into your business post-lockdown.

What’s inside:
2020 has thrown infection control into the spotlight like never before, given how COVID-19 affects the elderly and vulnerable, minimising any risk in care homes has been critical to protecting residents and staff.
- 57.3% of customers reported that they believed standards were “poor”, “very poor” or, at best, “neutral – not bad but could be better”
- 38.4% of care home customers would remove their loved one if they were to witness poor hygiene methods first-hand
- Four in five respondents (80.5%) said that tangible proof around a business’s infection control procedures would be reassuring
The Quality Mark for Infection Control
Put simply, effective disinfection is no longer “nice to have” but instead an absolute necessity for businesses looking to thrive in 2021 and beyond. JLA are experts in infection control products and have been setting the standards in the natural disinfection of ozone technology since 2004. From the OTEX laundry disinfection system (proven to remove all traces of Coronavirus) and room sanitiser machines to the latest ozone Air Purifier units, the range is the ideal solution when it comes to care homes and hygiene. Contact our experts to see how we can support you today.