How does an Ozone laundry system work?
Protecting staff, residents, patients and visitors from the threat of an outbreak has never been more important. For care & nursing homes, hospitals and other healthcare settings, one of the most effective methods of defence against cross-contamination (and providing verified proof of disinfection for HTM 01-04 and HACCP reporting) is ozone - which uses a natural gas to kill 99.999% of infections.
Here you’ll find a brief introduction to the science behind our OTEX ozone laundry disinfection system and learn how it could provide complete peace of mind for your business when it comes to infection control.
The Science and Innovation of OTEX Ozone Laundry Disinfection System
Explore the Science and Innovation Behind OTEX Ozone Laundry Disinfection System to prevent cross-infection in healthcare settings, consider using our OTEX ozone laundry disinfection system.
Discover the technology and innovation that makes this system effective and reliable by learning more about it today.
How ozone disinfection works in more detail:
Ozone is a natural gas, produced when oxygen molecules are split into single oxygen atoms, and then reformed via the corona discharge to create an ozone molecule which consists of three oxygen atoms.Â
When injected into a cool water wash cycle (through our patented OTEX interfusor) ozone attacks and damages the cell membranes of bacteria, spores, viruses, yeasts and moulds by causing an oxidative reaction on contact. As they can no longer hold their original shape, the cell or micro-organism dies or is destroyed (this process is sometimes referred to as lysis).

1. Oxygen is collected from the air and concentrated in situ to begin the OTEX process. Using a variety of filters to remove other elements such as nitrogen and hydrogen, the unit can produce 85% oxygen or greater – the more oxygen collected, the better the ozone yield will be.

2. A corona discharge sends a high-voltage current through the oxygen (O2) to split the molecules into individual atoms (O), which then reform to create ozone gas (O3).

3. The ozone is injected into the machine drum through our patented interfusor, generating bubbles which deliver the gas into the wash cycle. The ozone is continuously carried into the washer until the second-to-last rinse.

4. Ozone disinfects the laundry in ambient water and opens up the fibres, enhancing the wash process and increasing the efficiency of the final spin.

5. The wash cycle is verified to confirm disinfection has taken place. Receipts are then printed for reporting and auditing purposes.

6. Clean, fresh smelling, decontaminated laundry items can now be unloaded ready for use.
During the OTEX laundry system’s disinfection process, ozone gas is continuously generated and injected into the machine drum throughout the wash cycle. Afterwards, ozone quickly breaks down into harmless oxygen molecules and is washed away.
If you’d like to know more about how ozone laundry system could help your infection control process, get in touch with our laundry team today.
Considering an ozone product? Make sure it’s supported and compliant in line with the EU Biocidal Products Regulation