If you operate a commercial laundry room in a hotel, a spa or a resort, then choosing the correct equipment is vital. After all, if you invest wisely in the equipment you use, you’ll receive efficiency savings, quality results and machines that perform for cycle after cycle. With this in mind, let’s take a detailed look at why choosing a commercial washing machine is so crucial for hotels and spas.

Long-term use
When you purchase a commercial washing machine for your on-premises laundry, you’re investing in a machine that’s built to last. Put simply, domestic washing machines are not designed to withstand the demands of a commercial laundry room. This is because they aren’t built to run continually and will breakdown because they’re overworked.
By contrast, our SMART commercial washing machines for hotels and resorts have been designed to complete at least 37,000 washes. This means they’ll stand the test of time.
Cost savings
On top of this, when compared with domestic models, commercial washing machines for resorts will also provide you with cost savings. This is because these machines are packed with SMART features that can help you save up to 32% on your utility costs, depending on the exact model you choose.
Load savings
Similarly, commercial washing machines are larger than domestic washing machines. With a variety of sizes available, you can choose a model that matches your typical load size. As a result, you can generate greater efficiencies and ensure you’re always washing the correct amount of laundry.
By contrast, if you use a domestic washing machine, you may find that you’re overloading the machine regularly. This will overwork the machine and will lead to poor wash quality and breakdowns.
What if guests will use our machines?
If guests will use your commercial washing machine to clean their laundry or towels, then you can pay off the cost of running your machine by purchasing a coin-operated washing machine and dryer.
With these machines, you get all the benefits we’ve already mentioned. However, each machine also features a robust coin-op system. Each also features an extra-large integrated coin box, so you don’t need to empty the machine as frequently. Plus, the machine also performs a full audit of cycle counts and monies received. It even features a time of day pricing modifier to ensure that revenue is always maximised.
As you can see, commercial laundry equipment is always the best option for hotels and spas. Need help choosing a commercial washing machine for your business? Contact our laundry experts today. Whatever you need, we’ll take care of it.