If your business is closed during lockdown, or your organisation is only partially open, you’ll still need to make sure your critical appliances are maintained properly – to keep them in good condition while not in use and minimise breakdowns when the time comes to load them again. This quick guide will help you ensure the basics are covered, but we’re always on hand if you need further advice, servicing or repairs.
Washing machines
Quick maintenance checklist
Start by running the machine on its hottest setting
Open the door when the cycle ends and air for a few minutes Completely turn off the water and electrical supply Clean the door seals, soap drawer, and all external surfaces Keep the door open to prevent mould from building upOther things to consider
Water inlet filters – If blocked, the water efficiency to the machine will be reduced, causing the wrong water usage levels to be calculated, increasing utility costs. Inlet and outlet hoses – Ensure there is no water leaking from either hose, which can occur at the connections and joints in particular. You should lok for and remove any build-up too – left uncleared, this can cause increased utility bills and even breakdown. Belts – These should be checked twice a year, and belts that have damage, cracks, or splits need to be replaced. Spotting a worn-out belt and replacing it can prevent the machine from being out of service when you need it again.Tumble dryers
Quick maintenance checklist
Firstly, clean the lint filter thoroughly and dispose of all lint Using a vacuum attachment, hoover the inside of the machine Lastly, cut off the gas, water, and electricity supplyOther things to consider
Exhaust duct – Check the duct for lint or other debris and remove if possible (vacuuming is a good way to do a basic clean). While duct cleaning isn’t a critical necessity during lockdown, you might want to book a visit ahead of time so you can hit the ground running safely when things return to normal. Dryer belts – These should ideally be checked annually under normal circumstances, but our experts recommend a lockdown check while things are quiet and the machine is in use.General laundry area
Ensuring the work environment around all commercial equipment is clean is extremely important. Any rubbish, debris or dirt that has built up could create a fire hazard or cause damage to your machine if it finds its way into the drum. After following the quick maintenance tips above, and checking the other elements of your machines that might need attention, carry out a final sweep around the appliances (mop all floors if possible), and clear work surfaces as much as possible. We’re here to help in whatever ways we can during this difficult time for businesses. If you need to help with any commercial laundry maintenance during lockdown or beyond, contact our friendly experts today.Similar blogs you may like
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