Considering purchasing a new commercial ironing machine but unsure which is best suited to the needs of your business? In this guide, we explain the differences between commercial steam irons, rotary ironing machines, ironing tables and dryer irons to help your business make the right decision.
Roller and rotary ironing machines
Commercial rotary irons can put the perfect finishing touches to your linen. Ideal for hotels, spas, care homes and any business that needs linen to be finished to a high standard, rotary ironing machines are quick, handy and provide unbeatable results.
Rotary irons are the ideal solution for many commercial premises because they achieve consistent results. They also vastly reduce the time and effort needed for laundry finishing.
Perfect for table linen, bedding and towels, our rotary ironing machines have multiple speed settings and temperature control. This makes them suitable for a variety of different fabrics.
Commercial steam iron
Commercial steam irons work alongside ironing tables. They’re typically hand-held and use the heat and power of steam to finish a fabric, reducing creases and folds for presentation purposes. Due to this, they’re ideal for giving flatwork a professional finish.
As an added bonus, our steam irons also come with a built-in vacuum. This holds the fabric to the table and ensures sharper creases and better finishing. For this reason, commercial steam irons are usually the best solution if precision is key.
Portable steam irons are particularly handy in hotels, laundrettes and dry cleaners, where customers are willing to pay a premium for garments to be professionally pressed.
Ironing tables
For on-site laundry finishing, a professional ironing table is a must. Our commercial ironing tables provide your laundry team with a heated, breathable surface. This means that you can iron without putting too much pressure on the fabric. This is particularly important if you’re providing a finishing service in a hotel or want to provide an optimum level of garment care in a care home.
Although roller and rotary ironing machines are an excellent choice for linens and towels, they do not allow you to iron a wide range of garments at speed. If you’re searching for more precise finishing at a lower volume, then a steam iron and an ironing table are a better option.
Dryer irons
Commercial dryer ironers are a multi-functional way of both ironing and drying your laundry to save time, whilst providing a high-quality a finish.
If you and looking to save time and energy, then a dry ironing press may be the ideal solution for your laundry room offering a two-in-one solution. They are an ideal choice for a variety of industries, including healthcare and hospitality, with an extensive range of user-friendly features.
Sizes range from 15kg to 60kg of laundry per hour depending on the size and model. Key features include durable belts, integrated folding systems and variable speeds.
Ready to buy your next commercial ironing machine? Get in touch with our experts today. Whatever you need, we’ll take care of it.